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Got Questions About Collaborative Divorce in Austin?

Get Straight Answers from the Experts

Your Family Deserves a Healthier Divorce. Explore the Collaborative Divorce Option with Cristi Trusler.

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Listen to the Collaborative Divorce Playbook Now!

Collaborative Divorce Playbook

Collaborative Divorce Playbook

Considering collaborative divorce? Wondering how it differs from traditional litigation? There's a better way. Listen to this collaborative divorce playbook to discover:

  • What makes collaborative divorce different from mediation and litigation
  • The role of neutral experts like the financial professional and child specialist
  • How to discuss collaborative divorce with your spouse
  • How to find the right collaborative attorney for you
  • Tips for emotional coping and self-reflection during divorce
  • How to set goals and priorities in your new chapter

Attorney Cristi Trusler and Financial Neutral Jennifer Failla Discuss Real Experiences in Collaborative Divorce